When Love Leads

The Greatest Evangelism Story

Dear Praying Friends,

In this short video, my long-time friend and colleague, Dave Robinson explains the greatest evangelism story we’ve ever experienced. It started with a small letter I wrote in 1994 to the Hungarian government. 27 years later hundreds of thousands of students have heard the gospel in their classrooms. This video tells the amazing story and motivation behind “Youth at the Threshold of Life”. It tells how the uncomfortable situations we found ourselves in led us to prayer and to the conviction that Jesus wants to take us to places we've never been before. The small seed of this ministry brought fruit in 62 countries - most recently in Montenegro and in the U.S.

We are so grateful that - thanks to Edina’s hard work - this program is now available in English and at this website you can have free access to it: ytl.academy

Significant Moments

As we invest into future leaders, Aaron wrote to us the following:

“Hannah and I are so blessed by the work you are doing to create the best change in the world. Thanks for living your life to help the Next Generation to live a life that’s submitted to Christ. Thank you for speaking life into us. Thanks for believing in us. Thank you for being leaders who desire to collaborate and build the kingdom. Together.”

Last week Dave and Gabor spent a few days in Atlanta to meet with 60+ church planters. This group represents 47 organizations / denomination. It was encouraging to see this group working together on how to reach the growing number of lost people in the U.S.