A Journey to Passionate Evangelism

Watch Angela's 2 minutes-long story about how she has rediscovered her joy of salvation and also her passion for evangelism after going through our "Sent 6:7" equipping paradigm.

Dear Praying Friends,

This short video-story summarizes so well the impact we are pursuing on mobilizing every believer to share the good news of Jesus Christ and multiply. Angela explains in this video how she has "rediscovered her joy of salvation and also her passion for evangelism." As she went through the Sent 6:7 multiplication paradigm she says the following: "I was raised in the church; with all of my church attending I was not sharing my faith -- I hadn't been taught to do that and didn't have the training. The Sent 6:7 training helped ignite the joy of my salvation... In the last 3 years I've seen more people come to Christ than in any other previous years. Sent 6:7 gave the tools, the motivation and the model. It normalizes evangelism."

In the past year we've seen many stories like Angela's. Our team has trained thousands to use simple ways to start gospel conversations and with our team we are continuously working with over 600 people who are coming to our monthly coaching circles for ongoing training, encouragement and accountability.

We met Diamond and Stephen at an Ice-cream shop. As we've started talking with them, this conversation turned into an hour-long gospel conversation. They were very open and we've closed with praying with them.

It was a fantastic time that we could spend with our Church Movements staff (100). We've listened to incredible stories how God is using this team of dedicated people to bring the gospel to the lost and multiply the church in the U.S.

We had the privilege to lead some seminars together with Dave Robinson. We were sharing our experiences on "Leading with Prayer in the Mission" as well as had the opportunity to cast vision about the ministry we co-lead.

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3 John 4. Visiting Arpi and Zsuzsi while in Hungary and seeing how they continue to grow and multiply is a great joy. We love our bi-weekly discipleship meeting with them via zoom!