Significant Moments

In the City for the City - Summer Mission - KC 2021


For almost 3 weeks this June, 30 college students, church Fellows, and Cru staff lived, worked, played, and worshipped in Kansas City– giving campus ministry students a taste of their future context for ministry and building a campus to church movements bridge model! We caught a glimpse of God’s heart for cities and how to love those who live there. We partnered with church-planters who gave us vision to engage in mission and church multiplication post- graduation. We learned to connect people to Jesus, multiply the Church, and serve the city as a way of living!

Summer Mission in Numbers


In 18 days
we initiated 564 spiritual conversations
we shared the gospel personally with 143 people
243 people heard the gospel in a group setting
43 people placed their faith in Christ
we had 10 follow-up appointments

A Summer Mission Story


We met Kenzie on our third day. She’s an artist who was willing to help us with a scavenger hunt that introduced us to KC! During that first gospel conversation, she was interested in hearing what Christians believe, because she was disillusioned with the spiritual upbringing she had experienced.

During the next two weeks, she enjoyed being part of our team community. She loved the feeling of belonging as she moved toward believing. 

She joined us at a church picnic (where we gave her a Bible!) and at our Story of the Soul outreach, where she heard the gospel again through conversations around art, film, and music with the theme, “Can someone love and accept me for who I am?”

On our final evening, Kenzie prayed to express her brand-new faith in Christ!

Evangelism Training in Memphis


We were hosting a "Changing Face of Evangelism" training at First Evangelical Church in Memphis. The turn-out (93 people came on a Sunday evening) and the feedback was very encouraging and confirming that this kind of practical equipping is much needed to help normalize spiritual conversations.