A Nation that is at war with itself


"The significantly divergent worldview perspectives and applications of the four generations—especially how different the Millennials are from all of their predecessors— suggests a nation that is at war with itself to adopt new values, lifestyles, and a new identity. In other words, there is a war for worldview dominance. But, as the Scriptures remind us, a nation at war with itself cannot persist." - Dr. George Barna

Dear Praying Friends,

The sobering reality of our missional challenges forces us on our knees. Barna's recent research revealed that 20% (!) of the churches in the U.S. will close down for good by the end of 2021 as they will not survive the covid-crises. Only 2% of the millennials hold a biblical worldview in America. Never the stakes had been higher! That's why it is so critical what we do in Church Movements - partnering to make Jesus know and multiply the church, equipping every believer to share the gospel and multiply missional communities.  

The results are very encouraging! In certain cities we see 4th generation church-multiplication, in KC we see 3rd generation multiplication. We see great growth in the number of staff who has joined us full-time (now 88 are serving with us in 36 cities). Recently at a staff conference call we've asked our staff: In ten years, what do you expect will be different because Church Movements exists? Here are some of the answers:

  • "People experiencing, 'I never dreamed God could use me like this!'"

  • "Loss of the word ‘missionary’ because all believers are living on mission."

  • "Churches having a Kingdom mindset and partnering to reach the hundreds of million Americans who don't know Jesus."

  • "Young people who had left church returning."

  • "4th-generation discipleship becoming a typical experience"

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We continue hosting many online Sent 6:7 and Changing Face of Evangelism trainings following each one up with personal coaching. This training is with the Ethiopian Christian Fellowship Church pastors and leadership team


  • we are thankful that both Edina and I recovered from COVID. It took an unusually long time and I still struggle with some fatigue, but God protected us although my asthma gave us some concern in the first few days of the sickness.

  • we are making our trainings SCALABLE - putting it on video-series and also for an internet-learning environment. This represents a lot of editing, rewriting, live-recording, etc. Pray for creativity and energy.

  • pray that Rahel and Renato would be able to come home for Christmas to KC - covid restrictions make it specially hard to travel

  • this year for various reasons we've lost $1400 in monthly support. As we come to the end of 2020, we are trusting God to provide. If the Lord leads you and make it possible for you, would you consider helping our ministry? You can give in one of two ways: 1.) Online by clicking here, or 2.) By check made out to “Cru” and mailed to us at 16206 S Avalon St, Olathe, KS 66062. We will forward your gift to Headquarters and they will send you a tax-deductible receipt.