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Unwalked Path

Motto: The harder the road, the greater the grace. Phil 1:29

Standing alone at a scary fork
Staring ahead to the unwalked road.

Looking right and looking left,
There are lots of attractive, occupied paths.

But something inside forces his head
To turn to this foggy, unwalked path.

The path which led to the fork he is at
Lacked the populous footprints he wished so bad.

His path was stormy and full of traps
Circled with miracles as he inched ahead.

The hidden battles of the unwalked path
Flare up the memories of the painful past,
Casting a shadow for the future ahead.

Facing the unknown once more again
Tempting the Errant turning away
Choosing the easy, well-paved way
Luring his heart choosing the fame.

Gazing the unwalked path ahead
Fearing the future, grieving the past
Forces the Errant just want to rest.

Lifting his eye up lets him to see
There is a footprint on the fallen leaves.

His loving Provider and faithful Guide
Turning His head back, calling him: "Come!"

"Don't be afraid of what you don't know!
Just trust in the One whom you do know!
I won the battles you fought so far.
I saved the children you love so much.
Keep looking the One who brought you this far
And not to the path that scares you afar.
I'll be your Guide, don't be afraid,
Nothing will change just the path you will take!"

Bravely the Errant lifted his head
Picked up his armor and made a first step
Onto the unknown, unwalked path
Only his Savior knows where it led.