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Christ Changes Lives Today

The Gospel is God's Power to Change Lives

These two short stories below will greatly encourage you to see that:

  1. God is at work today,

  2. the gospel is God's power to change lives,

  3. there are people who are ready to receive the good news, so we need to sow broadly,

  4. in the midst of the chaos of our world, we need to keep focusing on spreading the good news of Jesus Christ as that is the ONLY solution to restore us

The Story of Vince and Jane from K.C.

A young man, Vince walked up to us in our church after Gabor was preaching. To our GREAT surprise, he introduced himself in Hungarian. He moved to the U.S. from Hungary 3 years ago to go to university. Before that he was a professional soccer player in the Hungarian NB1 league. While studying in the U.S. he started to date with Jane, a girl from Missouri. Recently they both became regular visitors at our church. A few weeks ago, Vince called Gabor and asked if he would marry them. We’ve started pre-marital counseling with them. During that time it became obvious for us that they have not made a decision yet to accept Christ. We’ve walked through the gospel in details and explained their need to accept Jesus as their personal Savior and Lord. We’ve asked them if they are ready to make that decision right now and pray with us. They both said yes, bowed their head, closed their eyes and followed us in prayer as they’ve opened their heart to receive Christ. They were prepared by God. They were the 4th soil type of people Jesus talked about who will be ready to receive the gospel. They only needed someone to share with them the good news and challenge them to make that decision. Last Friday, Gabor officiated their wedding and we continue to meet with them to help them grow in their faith. God brought Vince all the way from Hungary to America to hear the gospel from two Hungarians and both he and his wife found a new life in Christ. God works in mysterious ways and the gospel is always God's power to change lives.

The Story of Martha from L.A.

Watch this short video to hear the incredible story of Martha. She had been terribly abused by her partner and almost got killed twice. Her story of finding Christ and getting saved from that relationship proves that the gospel is the power to change lives. Her story is just one example of how our Church Movements team partners with the local church to equip pastors and believers to make Jesus known, multiply the church and serve the city.