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"It Bursted My Bubble..."

Students from 7 States joined us to share the gospel, move to the broken and learn about the reality of gospel-ministry in adult life. Getting immersed into the reality and pain of the city “bursted the bubble” most of these students are coming from. Moving out from their protected, predictable life, being exposed to the brokenness of our world and for the VERY FIRST TIME in their life sharing Christ to the broad variety of society, and leading others to saving faith wrecked their world. As one student wrote:

“My heart has been broken several times over the course of these three weeks. I am leaving with an overwhelming sense of duty but also an immense amount of hope I saw the Lord show up time and time again. I saw Jesus show up as I comforted and shared the Gospel with a woman whose son had been shot the day before she met me and was fleeing for safety. For the first time in my life I saw reconciliation between white and black friends as we served Jesus alongside each other.”

They’ve learned how to move into the brokenness and lostness of our age with hope and confidence by sharing the gospel and showing the love of Christ. We’ve laughed together and cried together; we’ve heard horrific stories of exploitation and despair and saw restoration and healing of the soul. It’s impossible to share the hundreds of hours we’ve served together with these students and how many segments of the city we’ve had the opportunity to share the love of Christ with together. We’ll only be able to highlight few encouraging moments.


On the first Friday of June KC celebrates art. Tens of thousands of people gather and walk around exploring the presentations and products of various artists. We were there with approaching people with two different evangelistic tools that help generate conversations around art and city problems (Soularium and Life in the City). We saw God at work. We initiated with 179 people, saw 2 women indicate a decision for Christ in the most precious way, and have 37 of those 179 who want to meet again to further explore their spiritual journey toward God. He led us to them and them to us! People searching for the Lord - for answers, for truth, for peace - engaged us on a wide scale.


At “Story of the Soul” we utilize art to highlight a longing or a wound of the human soul and through that we communicate the gospel. Over 130 came to this interactive coffee-house experience, 94 turned in a comment card and 2 indicated a decision for Christ. Here are some of the comments people wrote:

“I lost my dad to suicide just under three months ago and I’ve been really struggling seeing the beauty and God’s grace. Today helped restore that in me. Thank you!” (this person put her faith in Christ)
“I came last year and it changed my life. Today I woke up sick and tired. I’m thrilled that I made it.” (this person also put her faith in Christ)
“It was a nice experience for me, as it was my very first time in a church. Thanks!” (a Kurd in the USA)
“It hit home in a time of despair and struggle.”
“I think this was a beautiful way to see the hope only found in Jesus Christ.”


Voices Unsilenced gave three city leaders a platform to share their burden for the city and the hope they experience as the Church engages in lifting the oppression of the commercial sex industry, celebrating the diversity of the people God created, and multiplying disciples who make Jesus known as they serve the city. Our eyes were opened and our world were wrecked!